Sunday, April 8, 2007

Nouns, Vol. 2 (People, Places, Things from TMC)

Quickly tying up loose ends . . . promise a fuller edit for later.

1. Norwegian Wood - lovely, but misunderstood . . . there is some speculation that the title is a play on "knowing she would," a change made to obscure from his then-wife references to affairs John Lennon may have been having. Looking for more semi plausible explanations? Try here.

2. Lupe Fiasco, whose "Kick Push" we played a few weeks ago, is impressive and surprising . . . he is a devout Muslim and does not drink or smoke - making him quite something in the music industry, let alone the rap world. . . even better, though? He has a college radio show too, broadcast from the Illinois Insititute of Technology in Chicago. While Lupe gives away skate gear . . . we can only WISH we were that cool.

Jess edit: Skateboarding is cool. A song about skateboarding is even cooler. Find me longboarding (or potentially eating shit) at Gtown.

Jess edit #2:
shazzer87 (9:49:00 PM): find me longboarding (or potentially eating shit) at gtown
shazzer87 (9:49:05 PM): seriously?
shazzer87 (9:49:09 PM): what does that even mean
.... it means falling, everyone. Falling.

Kate edit: Just to help my fellow ignoramuses out, a skateboarding dictionary.

Download "Kick Push" by Lupe Fiasco or buy his album here.

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