Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Justin Timberlake cover

I'm smitten with this cover and its minimalist approach, somehow aided by the green background and trash can. Also... a ukelele is always a good idea.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jason Schwartzman: Epitome of Cool?

Is Jason Schwartzman the epitome of cool? For me, he is. The reasons to love Jason Schwartzman keep growing and growing. For me, it's Rushmore, Shopgirl (...ok, maybe because of Claire Danes too), Marie Antoinette, and most recently The Hotel Chevalier. I can't wait for The Darjeeling Limited to come out in theaters. With Mark Gonzalez ("The Gonz") footage in his video for Coconut Record's "West Coast," I'm completely won over.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Favorite GAP Commercials

Since I'm in London and am not an active TMC DJ, I've been a little separated from the show itself (although clearly, not from the blog). But tonight, I listened to Kate's masterpiece and was inspired to post my favorite GAP commercials.

1. The life-changing Depeche Mode "Just Can't Get Enough" commercial. Notice Alex Greenwald, lead singer of Phantom Planet and former GAP model, with a major part.

2. Sheryl Crow, Lisa Lopes, India.Arie, and Liz Phair on a kick ass "Give a Little Bit"

3. Claire Danes. Enough said.

4. Because Juliette Lewis is a good dancer and Kate likes it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sleeping Is The Only Love

Good things come out of actually spending time in the library. And one of them is listening to your Ipod on shuffle and discovering gems like Silver Jew's "Sleeping Is The Only Love." I did some reading too, in case you were wondering.

Note: I've stopped posting files on YouSendIt.com, but I can resume if anyone wants me to. I'm not flattering myself with the idea that many people read this, but if there's a demand I will meet it.