Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fair and Imbalanced

. . . a pretty good description of the ladies of TMC? We tend to think so. In honor of, well, nothing at all, a political post.

1. Before you cast your vote in Novemeber, you should probably be aware that Barack Obama likes to wax poetic. The Guardian dug up a college journal of his, and this is what they found.

2. This will, inevitably make us seem to have a political bent . . . "where's the mockery of the other side?", you will say. we will say: "be quiet. don't question McSweeney's." Because we're lame like that.

3. The Living Room Candidate is an online exhibit of political ads from presidential candidates hosted by the Museum of the Moving Image. And its about 1000 times more interesting than that makes it sound. Seriously. Kennedy's jingle? Johnson's fatalistic Daisy ad? It's morning again in America? The bear whose existence is in doubt? Pure. Gold.

4. And finally, to redeem ourselves for all this, a song: The President's Dead by Okkervil River. Buy it on vinyl (the only option) here.

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