Monday, October 13, 2008

The (Other, More Northern) British Invasion

I spent Spring Break this past year in the British Isles, some of it wandering the London's Portobello Road with Jess, and the rest of it riding around Scotland in a ridiculous bus. Organized tours aren't really my thing, but some friends and I wanted to make it up to the Highlands and the Isle of Skye (home to both some supposed TMC forbearers, and also electronic music wizard Mylo), and there didn't really seem to be any other way.

Our tour guide/drive also filled in as a dj, and played us a lot of Amy MacDonald, who came out of the Glasgow music scene and had just made it big in Scotland. She plays mostly pleasant guitary-y music, and I really like her distinctive inflections, and slightly deeper voice. I spent a long time looking for her music after hearing it, and her album This is the Life has finally dropped in the U.S. If you need good driving tunes, or mellow music, she's worth checking out.

Tasty MP3s:

"This is the Life" by Amy MacDonald

Scottish favorite "Caledonia" by Amy MacDonald

"Sweet Child of Mine" (Guns n Roses cover) by Mylo

Buy This is the Life here.

Buy Mylo's Destroy Rock & Roll here.

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